India in the Global Value Chain, Oct 1, 2018

Håkan Kingstedt

At the Sweden-India Business Council, SIBC, we continually try to develop the offering to you, our members and partners, with new services supporting your business. There is slight difference by being chamber and a business council where we like to make a difference.

Our recent format change of delivering knowledge and experience through debate and discussion has been met with great success as more issues and experiences are shared in-depth. Focus groups are an extension of that idea as we gather companies with similar interest and see how we can move their interests to the right authorities or connect with other companies and institutions.

Targeted information sharing become easier. Sweden-India Green Tech Alliance and Strategic Sourcing India are two such groups and important areas where Sweden can deliver value and simultaneously gain competence in our supply systems. These groups are lead by a specialist manager or an executive in their field supporting subject knowledge while preparing the program for the participating companies.

To succeed its not enough with good products and services, you need to be well prepared. We work closely together with Swedish agencies to ensure best possible support both in expertize and as well as financing.

Driving technology

Digitalisation, automation and space technology are sectors driving research and development on highest level. In Sweden we have well developed automotive sector, which the manufacturing base is equipped to supply for in this field. India has developed rockets at nearly 10 % of the cost in U.S. It’s of important we continue to support further interactions in the fields of high tech.

As a leading innovator in the sectors of IT, Sweden has much to offer to India; not just as a supplier but as a partner in co-developing technologies, processes and equipment for ICT. What conditions would facilitate such a partnership between India and Sweden and what results could be delivered? Can Sweden and India create strategic partnerships to develop high technology of the future?

Mr. Håkan Kingstedt is Chairman, Sweden-India Business Council.