India Sweden Innovation Day 14th October 2024

India Sweden Innovation Day 
14th October 2024

Theme for 2024 : 

Accelarating Green Growth for Inclusive Transition


The India Sweden Innovation partnership, rooted in a commitment to driving prosperity and addressing global challenges, evolves through co-funding, co-development, and co-creation. Established with Prime Ministers' Joint Statements and Action Plans, the partnership, epitomized in the 2021 Virtual Summit, aims to leverage the strengths of India and Sweden for mutual benefit. 

India, the world's 5th largest economy, while being a global solutions provider, seeks innovative solutions for sustainable growth and high technology-driven progress. Sweden, a leader in Innovation, excels in sustainability, R&D, and the 4th Industrial Revolution. This synergy has already shown immense growth and the potential is unlimited. 

Recent high-level announcements, especially during COP-28, emphasize the leadership and commitment to a just transition and net-zero emissions by 2050 through the India-Sweden 'Industry Transition Partnership.' This collaboration strengthens low-carbon industrial transition, aligning with the Paris Agreement. 

As the world faces a permacrisis, India and Sweden can be the beacons of hope, collaborating closely to address global issues. Accelerating a sustainable and equitable green transition while fostering economic growth is paramount. Our focus includes sustainable energy, safe transport, start-up ecosystems, Industry transition, Inclusive AI, Sustainable Aviation, Digitalization, circular economy, security, space, smart cities and improved quality of life.

The Innovation Day serves as a catalyst and a call to action, urging the acceleration of innovative solutions through technology and digitalization for a green growth transition. A post-event networking opportunity enhances collaboration and exchange. 

High Level Participation: Last year, India Sweden Innovation Day Accelerating Green Transition was inaugurated by H.E. Dr Jitendra Singh. Hon Minister for Science and Technology, Government of India and H.E. Andreas Carlson, Hon Minister of Infrastructure, Government of Sweden. India Sweden Innovation Day brings together high level Ministerial and Industry participation from both the countries and hence acts as a platform for G2G, G2B and B2B.

Your participation empowers India Sweden business eco-system.
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We are looking forward to welcoming you to India Sweden Innovation Day 2024!